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Never Before Published Photographs Celebrating the Eclectic and
Bizarre Street Fashion of Japan's Teens
Follows the Popularity of Phaidon's Fruits and Fresh Fruits
A fashion phenomenon born in the underground clubs of Tokyo and
Osaka has made its way aboveground. The streets of Japan are filled
with teenagers clad in corsets, spikes, lacy Victorian dresses,
dark eye makeup, black spandex, frilly tutus, patterned knee-highs,
ruffled bows, and wigs of all lengths and styles. A mixture of high
fashion and home-made ensembles, the Gothic and Lolita scene is one
of the more bizarre hybrids of Japanese street fashion, boasting
thousands of devotees who dedicate their lives to creating ever
more flamboyant and original variations of this fused style.
GOTHIC & LOLITA, edited by Katsuhiko Ishikawa with
photographs by Masayuki Yoshinaga, is a new and exclusive
photography collection that celebrates the eclectic and bizarre
Gothic street fashion of Japan's teens. Specially commissioned by
Phaidon Press and based on the creative design of the best selling
Fruits and Fresh Fruits, GOTHIC & LOLITA features portraits and
group shots of Japanese Goths and Lolitas both at home and in the
urban centers of Tokyo and Osaka.
Presented in a simple format with a funky design, hundreds of
teenagers posed for the camera in their imaginative and often
surreal outfits and offered personal insights into the idea behind
their personal fashion choices. The responses are sometimes
surprising, sometimes shocking, often hilarious, and always
compelling. The images combined with the text, which is presented
in question and answer format, present a unique "look book" of one
of the more surreal aspects of Japanese popular youth culture.
GOTHIC & LOLITA allows us to trespass on the streets of Japan
and witness in an informative yet entertaining way this fashion
The origin of this eccentric fashion movement traces back to
Osaka in the mid 1990s when young teenagers adopted Gothic fashion
in response to the clothes worn and promoted by Japanese Gothic
rock bands. Influenced by Western fashion trends from the mid
1980s, young teenagers, predominately adolescent girls, dress
head-to-toe in gothic costumes and late-Victorian dress. GOTHIC
& LOLITA charts the current trend from the clubs of Tokyo to
the streets of Harajuku and Akihabara.
These street fashions provide inspiration to professional and
would-be fashion designers, as well as teenagers and `Gothic' fans
from coast to coast.
Masayuki Yoshinaga (b.1964) is one of the leading fashion and
reportage photographers of his generation. His images have appeared
in such magazines as Dazed & Confused and The Face and his work
was recently shown in the Barbican Art Centre's Jam exhibition and
at the Dazed & Confused Gallery in London. He lives in, and
continues to investigate, the subcultures of Tokyo.
Katsuhiko Ishikawa (b.1964) is an expert in underground culture.
He edited Bizarre Magazine from 1993-4 and, in 1997 he edited Qyar,
where he met Araki Nobuyoshi. In 1998 he launched Thrill, a men's
street fashion magazine and project edited Araki's Utai-Me in 2000.
Since then he has produced many other books and magazines and
continues to document street and urban subcultures.
"Gothic & Lolita" charts the current trend of Gothic street fashion that has swept Japan over the last decade. Influenced by Western fashion trends from the mid 1980s, young teenagers, predominately adolescent girls, congregate in the urban centres of Harajuku, Akihabara and a number of underground clubs in and around Tokyo, dressed head-to-toe in gothic costumes and late-Victorian dress. The psychological characteristics of the average Japanese Goth is one of introversion and exclusivity. The majority of girls in the scene are teenagers and most usually stop by the age of eighteen. The origin of the movement was in Osaka in the mid 1990s when young teenagers adopted Gothic fashion in response to the clothes worn and promoted by Japanese Gothic rock bands. In the ten years since the trend began it has expanded to a number of cities including Tokyo and now boasts many thousands of devotees who dedicate their lives to creating ever more flamboyant and bizarre variations on the Gothic theme. From handmade black lace dresses based on designs from the 1860s to 'Lolita' outfits, lacy Gothic designs that have a pre-pubescent 'rococo' edge to them, to dresses with an occult flavour, the Gothic and Lolita scene is one of the more bizarre hybrids within Japanese street fashion. "Gothic & Lolita" is specially commissioned by Phaidon Press. Based on the creative design of the best selling "Fruits and Fresh Fruits", it will feature portraits and group portraits of Japanese Goths and Lolitas both at home and in the urban centres of Tokyo and Osaka. In addition to the visual content of the book each subject will also be asked a number of questions about their handmade designs and why the fashion is so important to them. This text will run in a similar 'question and answer' format as in the original Fruits publications. The coupling of portraits and insightful first-person commentary will together make "Gothic & Lolita" the definitive book on the scene in both the West and in Japan, presenting an ideal opportunity to view one of the more surreal aspects of Japanese popular youth culture in an informative yet entertaining manner.
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