The House fo the Scorpion 蝎子之屋(2003年纽伯瑞银奖小说) ISBN 9780689852237 下载 115盘 pdf snb 夸克云 tct kindle azw3

The House fo the Scorpion 蝎子之屋(2003年纽伯瑞银奖小说) ISBN 9780689852237电子书下载地址
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Matteo Alacrán was
not born; he was harvested. His DNA came from El Patrón, lord of a
country called Opium -- a strip of poppy fields lying between the
United States and what was once called Mexico. Matt's first cell
split and divided inside a petri dish. Then he was placed in the
womb of a cow, where he continued the miraculous journey from
embryo to fetus to baby. He is a boy now, but most consider him a
monster -- except for El Patrón. El Patrón loves Matt as he loves
himself, because Matt is himself.
As Matt struggles to understand his existence, he is threatened
by a sinister cast of characters, including El Patrón's
power-hungry family, and he is surrounded by a dangerous army of
bodyguards. Escape is the only chance Matt has to survive. But
escape from the Alacr n Estate is no guarantee of freedom, because
Matt is marked by his difference in ways he doesn't even
1. In the Beginning
2. The Little House in the Poppy Fields
3. Property of the Alacrán Estate
4. Maria
5. Prison
6. E1 Patrón
7. Teacher
8.The Eejit in the Dry Field
9.The Secr t Passage
10. A Cat with Nine Lives
Nancy Farmer has written three Newbery Honor books, including
The House of the Scorpion; The Ear, the Eye and the Arm; and A Girl
Named Disaster. Other books include Do You Know Me, The Warm Place,
and three picture books for young children. She grew up on the
Arizona-Mexico border in the landscape she evokes so strongly in
this novel. She lives with her family in Menlo Park,
Nancy Farmer, a two-time Newbery honoree, surpasses even her
marvelous novel, The Ear, The Eye and the Arm in the breathless
action and fascinating characters of The House of the Scorpion.
Readers will be reminded of Orson Scott Card's Ender in Matt's
persistence and courage in the face of a world that intends to use
him for its own purposes, and of Louis Sachar's Holes in the
camaraderie of imprisoned boys and the layers of meaning embedded
in this irresistibly compelling story. (Ages 12 and older) --Patty
Campbell --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From Publishers Weekly
Farmer's (A Girl Named Disaster; The Ear, the Eye and the Arm)
novel may be futuristic, but it hits close to home, raising
questions of what it means to be human, what is the value of life,
and what are the responsibilities of a society. Readers will be
hooked from the first page, in which a scientist brings to life one
of 36 tiny cells, frozen more than 100 years ago. The result is the
protagonist at the novel's center, Matt a clone of El Patron, a
powerful drug lord, born Matteo Alacr n to a poor family in a small
village in Mexico. El Patro n is ruler of Opium, a country that
lies between the United States and Aztl n, formerly Mexico; its
vast poppy fields are tended by eejits, human beings who attempted
to flee Aztl n, programmed by a computer chip implanted in their
brains. With smooth pacing that steadily gathers momentum, Farmer
traces Matt's growing awareness of what being a clone of one of the
most powerful and feared men on earth entails. Through the kindness
of the only two adults who treat Matt like a human Celia, the cook
and Matt's guardian in early childhood, and Tam Lin, El Patron's
bodyguard Matt experiences firsthand the evils at work in Opium,
and the corruptive power of greed ("When he was young, he made a
choice, like a tree does when it decides to grow one way or the
other... most of his branches are twisted," Tam Lin tells Matt).
The author strikes a masterful balance between Matt's idealism and
his intelligence. The novel's close may be rushed, and Tam Lin's
fate may be confusing to readers, but Farmer grippingly
demonstrates that there are no easy answers. The questions she
raises will haunt readers long after the final page. Ages
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --This text
refers to the Hardcover edition.
Nancy Farmer's latest novel for young people depicts a chilling
vision of the future - a world where clones are reared so that
their organs may prolong the lives of the favoured few, and other
unfortunates have computer implants inserted into their brains to
render them utterly submissive. Far-fetched? Maybe; but Farmer
writes so convincingly that such a world seems dreadfully possible.
The story is set in a timeless future where El Patron has supreme
control over Opium, a stretch of land between the USA and what used
to be Mexico. The country's economy depends on drugs, and El Patron
has dragged himself up from the gutter to a position of
unassailable authority. But El Patron is 148 years old and his life
is ebbing away. It is time to breed another clone to provide the
essential body parts to keep him going for a few more years. Matteo
Alacran is that clone, but it is not until he is six years old and
meets some of El Patron's family, that he learns the truth about
his background, how he was cultivated from a piece of El Patron's
skin, and incubated inside a cow. Brought up by his devoted
surrogate mother Celia, Matt has only ever known affection, but all
that is set to change - as a clone he is reviled and abused as the
lowest of the low, despite the apparent protection offered by El
Patron. Matt finally confronts the truth about El Patron's motives
in keeping him alive, and realizes he must escape or die. Yet Matt
flees only to find himself in even greater danger. Relying on only
his native wit and the new friends he has acquired on the way, Matt
is finally able to confront the truth about his past and look
forward to the future with renewed hope. Profoundly disturbing, and
almost too convincing, this is a captivating read which also raises
serious moral and ethical questions. This is science fiction as
'science faction' - the reader cannot put this book aside and say,
with any conviction, 'that could never happen'. Farmer has already
established a considerable reputation as a children's author,
winning several awards and commendations; this novel will introduce
this exciting writer to a wider readership, and earn her the
increased recognition she so richly deserves. Ages 13+ (Kirkus UK)
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of
this title.
Kirkus, starred reviewAn inspiring tale of friendship, survivial,
hope, and transcendence
Booklist, starred reviewThis is a powerful, ultimately hopeful
story that builds on today's sociopolitical, ethical, and
scientific issues and prognosticates a compelling picture of what
the future could bring. All of these serious issues are held
together by a remarkable coming-of-age story.
Matteo Alacrán was not born; he was harvested. His DNA came from El Patrón, lord of a country called Opium -- a strip of poppy fields lying between the United States and what was once called Mexico. Matt's first cell split and divided inside a petri dish. Then he was placed in the womb of a cow, where he continued the miraculous journey from embryo to fetus to baby. He is a boy now, but most consider him a monster -- except for El Patrón. El Patrón loves Matt as he loves himself, because Matt is himself. As Matt struggles to understand his existence, he is threatened by a sinister cast of characters, including El Patrón's power-hungry family, and he is surrounded by a dangerous army of bodyguards. Escape is the only chance Matt has to survive. But escape from the Alacrn Estate is no guarantee of freedom, because Matt is marked by his difference in ways he doesn't even suspect.
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