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At an early age, Ruth Reichl discovered that "food could be a
way of making sense of the world. . . . If you watched people as
they ate, you could find out who they were." Her deliciously
crafted memoir, Tender at the Bone, is the story of a life
determined, enhanced, and defined in equal measure by a passion for
food, unforgettable people, and the love of tales well
told.Beginning with Reichl's mother, the notorious
food-poisoner known as the Queen of Mold, Reichl introduces us to
the fascinating characters who shaped her world and her tastes,
from the gourmand Monsieur du Croix, who served Reichl her first
soufflé, to those at her politically correct table in Berkeley who
championed the organic food revolution in the
1970s.Spiced with Reichl's infectious humor and
sprinkled with her favorite recipes, Tender at the Bone is a
witty and compelling chronicle of a culinary sensualist's
The Queen of Mold
Mrs. Peavey
Devil's Food
The Tart
Summer of Love
The Philosopher of the Table
Love Story
Eyesight for the Blind
Paradise Loft
The Swallow
Another Party
Keep Tasting
The Bridge
A Reader's Guide
At an early age, Ruth Reichl discovered that "food could be a
way of making sense of the world. . . . If you watched people as
they ate, you could find out who they were." Her deliciously
crafted memoir, Tender at the Bone, is the story of a life
determined, enhanced, and defined in equal measure by a passion for
food, unforgettable people, and the love of tales well
told. Beginning with Reichl's mother, the notorious
food-poisoner known as the Queen of Mold, Reichl introduces us to
the fascinating characters who shaped her world and her tastes,
from the gourmand Monsieur du Croix, who served Reichl her first
soufflé, to those at her politically correct table in Berkeley who
championed the organic food revolution in the
1970s. Spiced with Reichl's infectious humor and
sprinkled with her favorite recipes, Tender at the Bone is a
witty and compelling chronicle of a culinary sensualist's
Most mornings I got out of bed and went to the refrigerator to
see how my mother was feeling. You could tell instantly just by
opening the door. One day in 1960 I found a whole suckling pig
staring at me. I jumped back and slammed the door, hard. Then I
opened it again. I'd never seen a whole animal in our refrigerator
before; even the chickens came in parts. He was surrounded by tiny
crab apples ("
lady apples
" my mother corrected me later),
and a whole wreath of weird vegetables.
This was not a bad sign: the more odd and interesting things there
were in the refrigerator, the happier my mother was likely to be.
Still, I was puzzled; the refrigerator in our small kitchen had
been almost empty when I went to bed.
"Where did you get all this stuff?" I asked. "The stores aren't
open yet."
"Oh," said Mom blithely, patting at her crisp gray hair, "I woke up
early and decided to go for a walk. You'd be surprised at what goes
on in Manhattan at four A.M. I've been down to the Fulton Fish
Market. And I found the most interesting produce store on Bleecker
"It was open?" I asked.
"Well," she admitted, "not really." She walked across the worn
linoleum and set a basket of bread on the Formica table. "But I saw
someone moving around so I knocked. I've been trying to get ideas
for the party."
"Party?" I asked warily. "What party?"
"Your brother has decided to get married," she said casually, as if
I should have somehow intuited this in my sleep. "And of course
we're going to have a party to celebrate the engagement and meet
Shelly's family!"
My brother, I knew, would not welcome this news. He was thirteen
years older than I and considered it a minor miracle to have
reached the age of twenty-five. "I don't know how I survived her
cooking," he said as he was telling me about the years when he and
Mom were living alone, after she had divorced his father and was
waiting to meet mine. "She's a menace to society."
Bob went to live with his father in Pittsburgh right after I was
born, but he always came home for holidays. When he was there he
always helped me protect the guests, using tact to keep them from
eating the more dangerous items.
I took a more direct approach. "Don't eat that," I ordered my best
friend Jeanie as her spoon dipped into one of Mom's more creative
lunch dishes. My mother believed in celebrating every holiday: in
honor of St. Patrick she was serving bananas with green sour
"I don't mind the color," said Jeanie, a trusting soul whose own
mother wouldn't dream of offering you an all-orange Halloween
extravaganza complete with milk dyed the color of orange juice. Ida
served the sort of perfect lunches that I longed for: neat squares
of cream cheese and jelly on white bread, bologna sandwiches, Chef
Boyardee straight from the can.
"It's not just food coloring," I said. "The sour cream was green to
begin with; the carton's been in the refrigerator for
Jeanie quickly put her spoon down and when Mom went into the other
room to answer the phone we ducked into the bathroom and flushed
our lunches down the toilet.
"That was great, Mim," said Jeanie when Mom returned.
"May we be excused?" is all I said. I wanted to get away from the
table before anything else appeared.
"Don't you want dessert?" Mom asked.
"Sure," said Jeanie.
"No!" I said. But Mom had already gone to get the cookies. She
returned with some strange black lumps on a plate. Jeanie looked at
them dubiously, then politely picked one up.
"Oh, go ahead, eat it," I said, reaching for one myself. "They're
just Girl Scout mint cookies. She left them on the radiator so all
the chocolate melted off, but they won't kill you."
As we munched our cookies, Mom asked idly, "What do you girls think
I should serve for Bob's engagement party?"
"You're not going to have the party here, are you?" I asked,
holding my breath as I looked around at our living room, trying to
see it with a stranger's eye.
Mom had moments of decorating inspiration that usually died before
the project was finished. The last one, a romance with Danish
modern, had brought a teak dining table, a wicker chair that looked
like an egg and hung from a chain, and a Rya rug into our lives.
The huge turquoise abstract painting along one wall dated from that
period too. But Mom had, as usual, gotten bored, so they were all
mixed together with my grandmother's drum table, an ornate
breakfront, and some Japanese prints from an earlier, more
conservative period.
Then there was the bathroom, my mother's greatest decorating feat.
One day she had decided, on the spur of the moment, to install gold
towels, a gold shower curtain, and a gold rug. They were no
problem. But painting all the porcelain gold was a disaster; it
almost immediately began peeling off the sink and it was years
before any of us could take a bath without emerging slightly
My father found all of this slightly amusing. An intellectual who
had escaped his wealthy German-Jewish family by coming to America
in the twenties, he had absolutely no interest in
. He
was a book designer who lived in a black-and-white world of paper
and type; books were his only passion. He was kindly and detached
and if he had known that people described him as elegant, he would
have been shocked; clothes bored him enormously, when he noticed
them at all.
"No," said Mom. I exhaled. "In the country. We have more room in
Wilton. And we need to welcome Shelly into the family
I pictured our small, shabby summer house in the woods. Wilton is
only an hour from New York, but in 1960 it was still very rural. My
parents had bought the land cheaply and designed the house
themselves. Since they couldn't afford an architect, they had
miscalculated a bit, and the downstairs bedrooms were very
strangely shaped. Dad hardly knew how to hold a hammer, but to save
money he had built the house himself with the aid of a carpenter.
He was very proud of his handiwork, despite the drooping roof and
awkward layout. He was even prouder of our long, rutted, meandering
driveway. "I didn't want to cut down a single tree!" he said
proudly when people asked why it was so crooked.
I loved the house, but I was slightly embarrassed by its unpainted
wooden walls and unconventional character. "Why can't we have the
party in a hotel?" I asked. In my mind's eye I saw Shelly's
impeccable mother, who seemed to go to the beauty parlor every day
and wore nothing but custom-made clothes. Next to her, Mom, a
handsome woman who refused to dye her hair, rarely wore makeup, and
had very colorful taste in clothes, looked almost bohemian.
Shelly's mother wore an enormous diamond ring on her beautifully
manicured finger; my mother didn't even wear a wedding band and her
fingernails were short and haphazardly polished.
"Nonsense," said Mom. "It will be
nicer to have it at
home. So much more intimate. I'd like them to see how we live, find
out who we are."
"Great," I said under my breath to Jeanie. "That'll be the end of
Bob's engagement. And a couple of the relatives might die, but who
worries about little things like that?"
"Just make sure she doesn't serve steak tartare," said Jeanie,
Steak tartare was the bane of my existence: Dad
it for parties. It was a performance. First he'd break an egg yolk
into the mound of raw chopped steak, and then he'd begin folding
minced onions and capers and Worcestershire sauce into the meat. He
looked tall and suave as he mixed thoughtfully and then asked, his
German accent very pronounced, for an assistant taster. Together
they added a little more of this or that and then Dad carefully
mounded the meat into a round, draped some anchovies across the
top, and asked me to serve it.
My job was to spread the stuff onto slices of party pumpernickel
and pass the tray. Unless I had bought the meat myself I tried not
to let the people I liked best taste Dad's chef d'oeuvre. I knew
that my mother bought prepackaged hamburger meat at the supermarket
and that if there happened to be some half-price, day-old stuff she
simply couldn't resist it. With our well-trained stomachs my father
and I could take whatever Mom was dishing out, but for most people
it was pure poison.
Just thinking about it made me nervous. "I've got to stop this
party," I said.
"How?" asked Jeanie.
I didn't know. I had four months to figure it out.
My best hope was that my mother's mood would change before the
party took place. That was not unrealistic; my mother's moods were
erratic. But March turned into April and April into May and Mom was
still buzzing around. The phone rang constantly and she was feeling
great. She cut her gray hair very short and actually started
wearing nail polish. She lost weight and bought a whole new
wardrobe. Then she and Dad took a quick cruise to the
"We booked passage on a United Fruit freighter," she said to her
friends, "so much more interesting than a conventional cruise."
When asked about the revolutions that were then rocking the islands
she had a standard response: "The bomb in the hotel lobby in Haiti
made the trip much more interesting."
When they returned she threw herself into planning the party. I got
up every morning and looked hopefully into the
refrigerator. Things kept getting worse. Half a baby
goat appeared. Next there was cactus fruit. But the morning I found
the box of chocolate-covered grasshoppers I decided it was time to
talk to Dad.
"The plans are getting more elaborate," I said ominously.
“Reading Ruth Reichl on food is almost as good as eating
it.”—Washington Post Book World
“An absolute delight to read...How lucky we are that [Ruth Reichl]
had the courage to follow her appetite.”—Newsday
“A poignant, yet hilarious, collection of stories about people
[Reichl] has known and loved, and who, knowingly or unknowingly,
steered her on the path to fulfill her destiny as one of the
world’s leading food writers.”—Chicago Sun-Times
“While all good food writers are humorous...few are so riotously,
effortlessly entertaining as Ruth Reichl.”—New York Times Book
“A savory memoir of [Reichl’s] apprentice years...Reichl describes
[her] experiences with infectious humor...The de*ions of each
sublime taste are mouthwateringly precise...A perfectly balanced
stew of memories.”—Kirkus Reviews
At an early age, Ruth Reichl discovered that "food could be a way of making sense of the world. . . . If you watched people as they ate, you could find out who they were." Her deliciously crafted memoir, Tender at the Bone , is the story of a life determined, enhanced, and defined in equal measure by a passion for food, unforgettable people, and the love of tales well told.Beginning with Reichl's mother, the notorious food-poisoner known as the Queen of Mold, Reichl introduces us to the fascinating characters who shaped her world and her tastes, from the gourmand Monsieur du Croix, who served Reichl her first soufflé, to those at her politically correct table in Berkeley who championed the organic food revolution in the 1970s.Spiced with Reichl's infectious humor and sprinkled with her favorite recipes, Tender at the Bone is a witty and compelling chronicle of a culinary sensualist's coming-of-age.
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