考研英语(二)阅读理解精练精讲【陈正康点拨阅读技巧+40篇真题题源文章 完胜阅读理解】适用于MBA/MPA/MPAcc等专业硕士 下载 115盘 pdf snb 夸克云 tct kindle azw3

考研英语(二)阅读理解精练精讲【陈正康点拨阅读技巧+40篇真题题源文章 完胜阅读理解】适用于MBA/MPA/MPAcc等专业硕士精美图片

考研英语(二)阅读理解精练精讲【陈正康点拨阅读技巧+40篇真题题源文章 完胜阅读理解】适用于MBA/MPA/MPAcc等专业硕士电子书下载地址

》考研英语(二)阅读理解精练精讲【陈正康点拨阅读技巧+40篇真题题源文章 完胜阅读理解】适用于MBA/MPA/MPAcc等专业硕士电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

考研英语(二)阅读理解精练精讲【陈正康点拨阅读技巧+40篇真题题源文章 完胜阅读理解】适用于MBA/MPA/MPAcc等专业硕士书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787564080044
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2013-07
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:27.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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篇 考研英语(二)阅读命题思路透析及技巧点拨

Unit 1 考研英语(二)阅读概述

Unit 2 六大题型解题技巧

第二篇 考研英语(二)阅读理解精练精讲

Unit 1

Text 1 神话揭示出文化价值

  Text 2美国社会阶层是否消失

  Text 3 亚洲大学教育体制改革

  Text 4 减肥药获批上市

Unit 2

Text 1 非常规工作的影响

  Text 2 教育的终极目标

  Text 3墨西哥消费者在经济低迷时期的消费心理

  Text 4 加拿大一起对整容医生的诉讼案

Unit 3

Text 1能源危机带给人们的启示

  Text 2 毕加索的部分作品对他画风转变的作用

  Text 3 方便食品的影响

  Text 4 算法交易的优势与风险

Unit 4

Text 1 英国30岁以下的年轻人生活质量低

  Text 2 美国大学文凭贬值

  Text 3 印度比哈尔州难以招商引资

  Text 4 美国高管的薪资问题

Unit 5

Text 1 利用创新和技术发展找到可替代能源

  Text 2 美国众多高校由于财政开支不当而负债累累

  Text 3 结构化调查的决策方式

  Text 4 美国企业的并购活动

Unit 6

Text 1 休假对工作的积极影响

  Text 2 高等学校更名带来的影响

  Text 3导演贾德?阿帕图及《人到四十》

  Text 4 全球老龄化

Unit 7

Text 1 性别和性别观念造成收入差异

  Text 2 美国大学在招生方面的倾斜

  Text 3 自我药疗

  Text 4 体育运动与电视结合

Unit 8

Text 1 美国经济的发展现状

  Text 2 伦敦公共活动空间的变化

  Text 3 太平洋煤电公司的“智能仪表”项目

  Text 4 “危机意识”对学习的作用

Unit 9

Text 1 企业应该利用多样性进行创新

  Text 2 美国劳工部的工作报告与苹果公司的季度财报

  Text 3 计算机自动化对岗位的冲击

  Text 4 美洲香蕉大王塞缪尔?扎穆雷创业史

Unit 10

Text 1 家长该如何正确处理孩子被欺负

  Text 2英国即将推行的道路收费系统的可行性

  Text 3 飞机上的科学竞赛

Text 4 芝加哥的肃清法令与加州“反集团犯罪法”






  Paragraph one


  Think today’s college degree will make you well-rounded in

academics and prepared for a career and the rigors of life? Think

again. According to UC Berkeley public policy Professor David Kirp,

that notion is fast becoming queer.




  well-rounded ['wel'raundid] a. 丰满的;面面俱到的,全面的


  academic [,?k?'dem?k] n. 学术水平;学术知识;专业学者


  rigor['r?g?] n. 严厉,苛刻;精确;(pl.)(气候﹑ 条件等的)严酷, 艰苦


  notion ['n???(?)n] n. 概念;观念,想法


  queer [kw??] a. 奇怪的




  Think today’s college degree will make you well-rounded in

academics and prepared for a career and the rigors of life? Think



  [精讲] 句为省略句,补充完整是Do you think…? today’s college degree will make

you well-rounded in academics and prepared for a career and the

rigors of


in academics和prepared for a career and the rigors of



  [译文] 你是不是认为现在的大学学位能使你具备全面的专业知识,并且能让你为将来的职业和生活的艰辛做好准备?再想想吧。


  According to UC Berkeley public policy Professor David Kirp, that

notion is fast becoming queer.


  [精讲] 此句为简单句,句子主干为that notion is fast becoming

queer(这种观念很快变得很奇怪)。According to UC Berkeley public policy Professor

David Kirp作状语。


  [译文] 在加州大学伯克利分校的公共政策学院教授大卫?克普看来,这种观念很快变得很奇怪。


  Paragraph two


  In his new book, Shakespeare, Einstein and the Bottom Line: The

Marketing of Higher Education, Kirp asserts that faced with

dwindling budgets, universities are increasingly resorting to

sophisticated marketing techniques to attract the lifeblood of any

college—tuition-paying students. Now students are more apt to

consider whether the school of their dreams has a sushi bar or

offers whirlpools and big screen TVs in the dorm rooms. Whether

they’ll be dealing with “Macbeth” or the theory of relativity in

their freshman year has become an afterthought.




  assert[?'s??t] vt. 维护,坚持;断言,声称


  dwindle ['dw?nd(?)l] vi. 减少;变小vt. 使缩小,使减少


  budget['b?d??t] n. 预算,预算费


  resort to依靠,求助于;诉诸;常去


  sophisticated [s?'f?st?ke?t?d] a. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的


  tuition [tju?'??(?)n] n. 学费;讲授


  apt [?pt] a. 恰当的;有……倾向的;灵敏的


  relativity [rel?'t?v?t?] n. 相对论;相关性;相对性


  freshman ['fre?m?n] n. 新生,大学一年级学生




  In his new book, Shakespeare, Einstein and the Bottom Line: The

Marketing of Higher Education, Kirp asserts that faced with

dwindling budgets, universities are increasingly resorting to

sophisticated marketing techniques to attract the lifeblood of any

college—tuition-paying students.


  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子主干为Kirp asserts that(克普坚称)。In his new book,

Shakespeare, Einstein and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher


are increasingly resorting to sophisticated marketing

techniques(各大学越来越多地采用复杂的营销手段),过去分词短语faced with dwindling

budgets(面临越来越少的预算)为原因状语,不定式短语to attract the lifeblood of any







  Now students are more apt to consider whether the school of their

dreams has a sushi bar or offers whirlpools and big screen TVs in

the dorm rooms.


  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子的主干为Now students are more apt to consider

whether…(现在的学生更倾向于考虑是否……),whether the school of their dreams has a

sushi bar or offers whirlpools and bigscreen TVs in the dorm


apt to含义为“往往;易于;动辄;有……倾向;有……可能”。


  [译文] 现在的学生更倾向于考虑他们梦想中的学校是否有寿司店,或者宿舍里是否提供漩涡浴缸和大屏幕电视。


  Whether they’ll be dealing with “Macbeth” or the theory of

relativity in their freshman year has become an afterthought.


  [精讲] Whether引导的名词性从句Whether they’ll be dealing with “Macbeth” or

the theory of relativity in their freshman

year(他们是否会在大学一年级时就要对付“麦克白”或相对论)作主句的主语,has become an



  [译文] 至于他们是否会在大学一年级时就要对付“麦克白”或相对论已属于附加的考虑。


  Paragraph three


  The change in emphasis is a two-way street—potential students

expect a spalike atmosphere as much as the colleges are willing to

provide it. Kirp puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of

university enrollment managers who have put the perks ahead of the

basics in order to have a competitive edge.




  potential [p?(?)'ten?(?)l] a.可能的,潜在的


  put the blame on归咎于


  squarely ['skwe?l?] adv. 直角地;直接地;坚定地;正当地;明确地


  enrollment [?n'r??lm?nt] n.登记,注册,注册人数


  competitive edge  竞争优势




  The change in emphasis is a two-way street—potential students

expect a spa-like atmosphere as much as the colleges are willing to

provide it.




students expect a spa-like atmosphere much, as…as引导的是比较状语从句。


  [译文] 这种重点的转移是双向的——潜在的学生希望学校有温泉胜地般的气氛,而大学也正乐于提供这些。


  Kirp puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of university

enrollment managers who have put the perks ahead of the basics in

order to have a competitive edge.


  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子主干为Kirp puts the blame squarely on the

shoulders(克普明确地归咎于……的肩上),介词短语of university enrollment

managers修饰shoulders,who引导的定语从句who have put the perks ahead of the

basics in order to have a competitive

edge(他们为了获取竞争优势而本末倒置)修饰其先行词university enrollment managers。


  [译文] 克普将此风气明确地归咎于负责高校招生的管理者们,他们为了获取竞争优势而本末倒置。


  Paragraph four


  Another key factor in the marketing of a university is its

perceived prestige, measured not only in the star quality of the

faculty, but the Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of the incoming

students. The annual rankings of the nation’ universities by the

national newsmagazine U. S. News &World Report have become the

bible for prospective students and administrators. Because so much

importance has been put on the magazine’s rankings, colleges such

as Harvard will inflate their incoming student’s SAT scores. Other

schools, such as Marshall University in Huntington, W.V., have been

known to not accept certain applicants who meet their

qualifications if they feel the students would just turn down the

invitation. This is because an acceptance rate greater than 50

percent makes a school appear to be not very choosy and ultimately

less prestigious.




  prestige[pre'sti?(d)?] n. 威望,声望,声誉


  faculty ['f?k(?)lt?] n. 科,系;能力;全体教员


  annual ['?nj??l] a. 年度的,每年的


  ranking ['r??k??] n. 等级,排名


  prospective [pr?'spekt?v] a. 未来的,预期的


  put importance on 重视


  inflate [?n'fle?t] vt. 使充气;使通货膨胀;抬高,涨高


  qualification[,kw?l?f?'ke??(?)n] n. 资格,条件;限制


  turn down调低,关小;拒绝


  prestigious [pre'st?d??s] a. 有名望的,享有声望的




  Another key factor in the marketing of a university is its

perceived prestige, measured not only in the star quality of the

faculty, but the Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of the incoming



  [精讲]此句为简单句,句子主干为Another key factor is its perceived

prestige(另一个重要因素是其在人们眼中的声望)。in the marketing of a

university(高校营销中的)为factor的后置定语。后面的过去分词短语measured not

only…but…为prestige的后置定语,相当于which引导的非限定性定语从句which is measured not

only…but…。not only…but…连接两个并列成分in the star quality of the

faculty和(in) the Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of the incoming

students。the Scholastic Aptitude






  The annual rankings of the nation’ universities by the national

newsmagazine U. S. News &World Report have become the bible for

prospective students and administrators.


  [精讲]此句为简单句,句子主干为The annual rankings have become the

bible(年度排名已成为金科玉律)。介词短语of the nation’ universities(对全国大学的)和by the

national newsmagazine U. S. News &World

Report(由全国性新闻杂志《美国新闻与世界报道》做出的)均为annual rankings的后置定语,后的for

prospective students and



  [译文] 全国性新闻杂志《美国新闻与世界报道》的全国大学年度排名已成为大学管理者和未来的大学生所信奉的金科玉律。


  Because so much importance has been put on the magazine’s

rankings, colleges such as Harvard will inflate their incoming

student’s SAT scores.


  [精讲]此句为复合句,句首的Because引导原因状语从句,从句使用了被动语态。主句是后面的colleges such as

Harvard will inflate their incoming student’s SAT

scores(一些大学,比如哈佛大学,会抬高新生的SAT分数),其中such as



  [译文] 由于该杂志的排行榜如此受重视,一些大学,比如哈佛大学,会抬高新生的SAT分数。


  Other schools, such as Marshall University in Huntington, W.V.,

have been known to not accept certain applicants who meet their

qualifications if they feel the students would just turn down the



  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子主干为Other schools have been known to not accept

certain applicants(其他一些学校是出了名的不接收某些申请人)。such as Marshall University

in Huntington, W.V. 为插入语,表示举例。who引导的定语从句who meet their

qualifications(符合它们的条件的)修饰applicants,if引导的条件句if they feel the

students would just turn down the

invitation(如果它们认为学生会拒绝入学邀请)嵌套省略引导词that的宾语从句the students would just

turn down the invitation,作feel的宾语。





  This is because an acceptance rate greater than 50 percent makes

a school appear to be not very choosy and ultimately less



  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子主干为This is because…。because引导表语从句,从句中主语的中心词为an

acceptance rate(录取率),形容词短语greater than 50

percent(高于50%)修饰这一中心词。makes为从句的谓语,从句的宾语为a school,之后的appear to be

not very choosy and ultimately less prestigious作宾补。


  [译文] 这样做是因为高于50%的录取率会使学校显得对生源不那么挑剔而致后显得声名较低。


  Paragraph five


  In order to achieve SAT scores needed to get into top schools,

affluent parents will spend thousands on coaching provided by

consultants (often ex-college admission officials) who know the

ropes. With fees and tuition escalating at private and public

institutions, poorer students face yet another disadvantage in

getting into the top schools when they can’t afford pricey

consultants, let alone the tuition. Ironically, there may be one

bright spot for lower-income students in the over-marketing of

higher education—the vocational schools. In his book, Kirp focuses

on the recent success of DeVry University and the University of

Phoenix, both of which are turned to the marketplace and can

provide their students with jobs once they graduate.




  affluent ['?fl??nt] a. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的


  coach [k??t?] vt. 辅导或训练(尤指为参加考试或比赛)


  consultant[k?n's?lt(?)nt] n. 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生


  know the ropes熟悉内情;懂得窍门


  escalate['esk?le?t] vi. 逐步增强;逐步升高vt. 使逐步上升


  let alone更不必说


  bright spot光点;亮点;高兴的事




  In order to achieve SAT scores needed to get into top schools,

affluent parents will spend thousands on coaching provided by

consultants (often ex-college admission officials) who know the



  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子主干为affluent parents will spend thousands on

coaching(富裕的家长们不惜花费数千美元在辅导上面)。句首的In order to achieve SAT scores

needed to get into top

schools(为了达到进入学校所需的SAT分数)为目的状语,其中过去分词短语needed to get into top

schools(进入学校所需的)为修饰SAT scores 的后置定语。过去分词短语provided by

consultants…(由……顾问提供的)修饰coaching,其中包含定语从句who know the






  With fees and tuition escalating at private and public

institutions, poorer students face yet another disadvantage in

getting into the top schools when they can’t afford pricey

consultants, let alone the tuition.


  [精讲]此句为复合句,句子主干为poorer students face yet another

disadvantage(较贫穷的学生又多了一重不利)。句首的with复合结构With fees and tuition

escalating at private and public

institutions(随着公立和私立学校学费的逐渐上涨)作伴随状语,in getting into the top

schools为状语,when引导时间状语从句when they can’t afford pricey consultants,

let alone the tuition(当他们付不起高昂的顾问费,更不要说学费时)。





  Ironically, there may be one bright spot for lower-income

students in the over-marketing of higher education—the vocational



  [精讲]此句为简单句,句子主干为there may be one bright spot(或许也有值得高兴的一面)。 for

lower-income students和in the over-marketing of higher

education均作状语,破折号后面的the vocational schools对one bright



  [译文] 具有讽刺意味的是,高等教育过于市场化对低收入家庭的学生来说或许也有值得高兴的一面,那就是出现了职业学校。


  In his book, Kirp focuses on the recent success of DeVry

University and the University of Phoenix, both of which are turned

to the marketplace and can provide their students with jobs once

they graduate.


  [精讲] 此句为复合句,句子主干为Kirp focuses on the recent

success(克普集中介绍了近的成功)。In his book作状语,of DeVry University and the

University of Phoenix为success的后置定语,句尾which引导的非限定性定语从句both of which

are turned to the marketplace and can provide their students with

jobs once they graduate(这两所学校都顺应市场需求,能在学生毕业时为他们提供工作)修饰限定其先行词DeVry

University and the University of Phoenix。once they


  [译文] 克普在书中集中介绍了德锐大学和凤凰城大学近的成功。这两所学校都顺应市场需求,能在学生毕业时为他们提供工作。








  6. It is implied in Paragraph 1 that the current college

diploma        .

段暗示,如今的大学文凭       . 选项特征分析

  [A] ensures a comprehensive grasp of professional knowledge

确保全面掌握专业知识 正反混淆

  [B] prepares graduates for a wide array of careers

使毕业生为一系列广泛的职业做好准备 正反混淆

  [C] is misunderstood as the key to landing a job 被误解为找到工作的关键


  [D] makes graduates ready for a hard life 使毕业生为艰辛的生活做好准备



  [考点] 推断题

  [正确项精解] 本题关键词是the current college diploma,该关键词出现在段句:Think

today’s college degree will make you well-rounded in academics and

prepared for a career and the rigors of life?


college degree对应题干中的current college diploma。而接下来的两句Think

again.以及According to …, that notion is fast becoming


you…prepared for a career和that notion is fast becoming


  [干扰项分析] 其他三项均是根据首段首句宾语从句today’s college degree will make you

well-rounded in academics and prepared for a career and the rigors

of life设置的干扰,其中[A]项同义替换原文的make you well-rounded in

academics,[B]项同义替换原文的prepared for a career,[D]项同义替换原文的(prepared

for) the rigors of

























  后是作文,包括Part A小作文与Part












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