Will Your Next Mistake Be Fatal? 下载 115盘 pdf snb 夸克云 tct kindle azw3

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Book Description
Robert E. Mittlestaedt, Jr. identifies the common factors beneath massive failures ranging from the Titanic to Firestone Tire, Three Mile Island to "New Coke." Why did they happen? What could have prevented them? How did they spiral out of control? Drawing on these lessons, he introduces the first systematic approach to managing multiple mistakes so they don't lead to disaster.
Mittelstaedt addresses errors in preparation, execution, strategy, and culture. He shows how to build internal systems that trigger loud and actionable alarms before "failure chains" accelerate beyond control. These techniques don't just apply to high-profile disasters: they're equally valuable in helping you avert failures arising from mistakes in operations, analyzing markets, understanding customers, designing and implementing strategy, or directing capital investments.
This title focuses on what catastrophes have in common - and how to keep them from happening to you! It introduces M3: the first systematic approach to - managing mistakes so they don't lead to disaster; building systems that prevent 'failure chains' from spiraling out of control; avoiding failures in preparation, strategy, execution, and culture; and reducing the impact and cost of the mistakes you do make. The book also includes coverage of the unique 'mistake chains' facing entrepreneurs and small businesses. Every business disaster has one thing in common: the people in charge never saw it coming. The warnings were there. They didn't have to wreck their companies and their careers. But, they let it happen. This book can keep it from happening to you. You will make mistakes. If you don't, you're not taking enough risk. But, you can make fewer of them. You can catch them early. Keep them cheap. Learn from them. Whether you're in a global enterprise or a garage startup, Robert Mittelstaedt shows how. His techniques apply to everything from culture to strategy, customer safety to market share. They won't just help you avoid catastrophe: they'll help you improve profitability and business value, too.
Book Description
What catastrophes have in common -- and how to keep them from happening to you!
Introducing M3: the first systematic approach to
1.Managing mistakes so they don't lead to disaster
2.Building systems that prevent 'failure chains' from spiraling out of control
3.Avoiding failures in preparation, strategy, execution, and culture
4.Reducing the impact and cost of the mistakes you do make
5.Also includes coverage of the unique 'mistake chains' facing entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Every business disaster has one thing in common: the people in charge never saw it coming. The warnings were there. They didn't have to wreck their companies and their careers. But they let it happen. This book can keep it from happening to you.
You will make mistakes. If you don't, you're not taking enough risk. But you can make fewer of them. You can catch them early. Keep them cheap. Learn from them. Whether you're in a global enterprise or a garage startup, Robert Mittelstaedt shows how. His techniques apply to everything from culture to strategy, customer safety to market share. They won't just help you avoid catastrophe: they'll help you improve profitability and business value, too.
Stay on track. Stay off the front page of The Wall Street Journal. Read this book.
Book Description
Height (mm) 238 Width (mm) 155
Book Description
Robert E. Mittlestaedt, Jr. identifies the common factors beneath massive failures ranging from the Titanic to Firestone Tire, Three Mile Island to "New Coke." Why did they happen? What could have prevented them? How did they spiral out of control? Drawing on these lessons, he introduces the first systematic approach to managing multiple mistakes so they don't lead to disaster.
Mittelstaedt addresses errors in preparation, execution, strategy, and culture. He shows how to build internal systems that trigger loud and actionable alarms before "failure chains" accelerate beyond control. These techniques don't just apply to high-profile disasters: they're equally valuable in helping you avert failures arising from mistakes in operations, analyzing markets, understanding customers, designing and implementing strategy, or directing capital investments.
This title focuses on what catastrophes have in common - and how to keep them from happening to you! It introduces M3: the first systematic approach to - managing mistakes so they don't lead to disaster; building systems that prevent 'failure chains' from spiraling out of control; avoiding failures in preparation, strategy, execution, and culture; and reducing the impact and cost of the mistakes you do make. The book also includes coverage of the unique 'mistake chains' facing entrepreneurs and small businesses. Every business disaster has one thing in common: the people in charge never saw it coming. The warnings were there. They didn't have to wreck their companies and their careers. But, they let it happen. This book can keep it from happening to you. You will make mistakes. If you don't, you're not taking enough risk. But, you can make fewer of them. You can catch them early. Keep them cheap. Learn from them. Whether you're in a global enterprise or a garage startup, Robert Mittelstaedt shows how. His techniques apply to everything from culture to strategy, customer safety to market share. They won't just help you avoid catastrophe: they'll help you improve profitability and business value, too.
Book Description
What catastrophes have in common -- and how to keep them from happening to you!
Introducing M3: the first systematic approach to
1.Managing mistakes so they don't lead to disaster
2.Building systems that prevent 'failure chains' from spiraling out of control
3.Avoiding failures in preparation, strategy, execution, and culture
4.Reducing the impact and cost of the mistakes you do make
5.Also includes coverage of the unique 'mistake chains' facing entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Every business disaster has one thing in common: the people in charge never saw it coming. The warnings were there. They didn't have to wreck their companies and their careers. But they let it happen. This book can keep it from happening to you.
You will make mistakes. If you don't, you're not taking enough risk. But you can make fewer of them. You can catch them early. Keep them cheap. Learn from them. Whether you're in a global enterprise or a garage startup, Robert Mittelstaedt shows how. His techniques apply to everything from culture to strategy, customer safety to market share. They won't just help you avoid catastrophe: they'll help you improve profitability and business value, too.
Stay on track. Stay off the front page of The Wall Street Journal. Read this book.
Book Description
Height (mm) 238 Width (mm) 155
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