Market Institutions/Africa非洲撒哈拉以南国家的市场制度:理论与证据 下载 115盘 pdf snb 夸克云 tct kindle azw3

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In Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Marcel Fafchamps synthesizes the results of recent surveys of indigenous market institutions in twelve countries, including Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, and Zimbabwe, and presents findings about economics exchange in Africa that have implications both for future research and current policy. Employing empirical data as well as theoretical models that clarify the data, Fafchamps takes as his unifying principle the difficulties of contract enforcement. Arguing that in an unpredictable world contracts are not always likely to be respected, he shows that contract agreements in sub-Saharan Africa are affected by the absence of large hierarchies (both corporate and governmental) and as a result must depend to a greater degree than in more developed economies on social networks and personal trust. Fafchamps considers policy recommendations as they apply to countries in three different stages of development: countries with undeveloped market institutions, like Ghana; countries at an intermediate stage, like Kenya; and countries with developed market institutions, like Zimbabwe.
Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa caps ten years of personal research by the author. Fafchamps, in collaboration with such institutions as the Africa Division of the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute, participated in the surveys of manufacturing firms and agricultural traders that provide the empirical basis for the book. The result is a work that makes a significant contribution to research on the continuing economic stagnation of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and is also largely accessible to researchers in other fields and policy professionals.
Ⅰ Issues and Data
1 Markets and Traders
2 Market Transactions as Contracts
3 The Data
Ⅱ Contract Enforcement
4 Evidence from Case Studies in Ghana, Kenya, and Zimbabwe
5 Evidence from African Manufacturers
6 Evidence from Agricultural Traders
7 Inventories and Contractual Risk
Ⅲ Trust and Relationships
8 The Formation of Trust
9 Trust and Business
10 Relationships and Agricultural Trade
Ⅳ Information Sharing
11 Markets and Information
12 Decentralized Reputational Penalties
13 Information Sharing and Socialization
Ⅴ Networks and Markets
14 Market Formation
15 Business Networks in Africa
16 Returns to Network Capital in Agricultural Trade
Ⅵ Ethnicity and Discrimination
17 Discrimination and Networks
18 Supplier Credit and Ethnicity
19 Discrimination and Networks in African Manufacturing
20 Discrimination and Networks in Agricultural Trade
21 Finance, Investment, and Networks
Ⅶ Conclusions and Policy Implications
22 What Have We Learned?
23 Policy Implications
Marcel Fafchamps is Reader in the Department of Economics and Professorial Fellow at Mansfield College, Oxford University.
"In this book Marcel Fafchamps has done more than summarize the exciting economic research on firms and markets in Africa over the last decade. He has provided a framework for understanding African economies that will serve as the reference on Africa for the foreseeable future."
--Garth Frazer, University of Toronto
"This book is a wonderful contribution to our knowledge on the subject. The work is original and the scholarship sound."
--Avner Greif, Department of Economics, Stanford University
"Since the economics profession has started to lend genuine attention to institutional issues and developed analytical tools and concepts to do so, the need to inquire into the specific situation of Africa has become pressing. In this book Marcel Fafchamps faces this challenge with his usual rigor and acumen, focusing on key issues of contract enforcement, social networks, and ethnic discrimination."
--Jean-Philippe Platteau, Namur University, Belgium
"By placing enforcement at the center of his study of firms' market transactions, Marcel Fafchamps makes a convincing case for the relevance of economic analysis for developing countries. By providing evidence on when and why breaches of contracts occur, and on when and how creditors screen potential debtors, he not only tests some of his theory's predictions but stimulates further research on the use of incentives for the analysis of the developing world."
--Jean-Jacques Laffont, IDEI, University of Toulouse, and University of Southern California
In Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Marcel Fafchamps synthesizes the results of recent surveys of indigenous market institutions in twelve countries, including Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, and Zimbabwe, and presents findings about economics exchange in Africa that have implications both for future research and current policy. Employing empirical data as well as theoretical models that clarify the data, Fafchamps takes as his unifying principle the difficulties of contract enforcement. Arguing that in an unpredictable world contracts are not always likely to be respected, he shows that contract agreements in sub-Saharan Africa are affected by the absence of large hierarchies (both corporate and governmental) and as a result must depend to a greater degree than in more developed economies on social networks and personal trust. Fafchamps considers policy recommendations as they apply to countries in three different stages of development: countries with undeveloped market institutions, like Ghana; countries at an intermediate stage, like Kenya; and countries with developed market institutions, like Zimbabwe.Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa caps ten years of personal research by the author. Fafchamps, in collaboration with such institutions as the Africa Division of the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute, participated in the surveys of manufacturing firms and agricultural traders that provide the empirical basis for the book. The result is a work that makes a significant contribution to research on the continuing economic stagnation of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and is also largely accessible to researchers in other fields and policy professionals.
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