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"I can steal anything."
After Gen's bragging lands him in the king's prison, the chances
of escape look slim. Then the king's scholar, the magus, needs the
thief's skill for a seemingly impossible task -- to steal a hidden
treasure from another land.
To the magus, Gen is just a tool. But Gen is a trickster and a
survivor with a plan of his own.
Megan Whalen Turner is married to a professor and often
relocates when he needs to do research. They have three children.
She is also the author of three novels for young people: Newbery
Honor book The Thief, The Queen of Attolia and The King of
? AWARD-WINNING ACCLAIMED NOVEL: The Thief was awarded the
Newbery Honor, as well as being named an ALA Notable Children’s
Book, an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, a Horn Book Fanfare Book,
and a Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book. Megan Whalen Turner is
consistently lauded by critics for her swiftly-paced intelligent
writing. ?BRAND-NEW STORY STARRING EUGENIDES: This is truly the
season for adventure: The King of Attolia, a brand new Attolian
adventure, will premiere on the Winter 2006 list! ?BACK WITH
HARPER: We’ve gotten the paperback rights for The Thief back, and
it will be released with its two sequels: a newly repackaged The
Queen of Attolia and the brand-new The King of Attolia. ?FAST-PACED
INTRIGUE AND ADVENTURE: The Thief flies from first page to last,
and even the most observant reader will find himself surprised by
the twist ending! ?FANTASTIC SERIES ART: All three Attolia books
will be released with exciting new art which will tie the trilogy
A king orders a young thief to carry out a near-impossible heist under threat of death. "In addition to its charismatic hero, this story possesses one of the most valuable treasures of all?a twinkling jewel of a surprise ending," said PW of this 1997 Newbery Honor book. Ages 10-14.
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Grade 6 Up?Things are not what they seem in this story of wit, adventure, and philosophy. Gen, an accomplished thief incarcerated for stealing the king's seal, is dragged from his cell by the king's magus, who is on a quest. The prize is Hamiathes's Gift, said to be a creation of the gods that confers the right of rule on the wearer. During the quest, the magus and Gen take turns telling the youngest member of their party myths about the Eddisian god of thieves. Turner does a phenomenal job of creating real people to range through her well-plotted, evenly paced story. No one is entirely evil or completely perfect. Gen is totally human in his lack of discipline, seeming lack of heroism, and need for sleep and food. The magus makes the transition from smug, superior scholar to decent guy in a believable fashion. Turner also does a neat job of puncturing lots of little prejudices. There are many deft lessons in this story. As absorbing as it is, the best part lies in the surprise ending. Though it is foreshadowed throughout, it is not obvious?its impact is more like morning sunlight than a lightning bolt. This book is sure to be a hot item with adventure and fantasy lovers, and YAs who like snide, quick-tempered, softhearted heroes will love Gen.?Patricia A. Dollisch, DeKalb County Public Library, Decatur, GA
Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Gr. 5^-8. Set in a time long ago and far away, this first-person novel tells of a gifted young thief, imprisoned for life, who is offered one chance to win his freedom. If Gen can steal for the king's magus a legendary stone hidden in a mysterious temple, the magus will set him free. Portrayed as a likable rogue, Gen endures the difficult trek to the stone's hiding place with much complaining and little grace, but shows his mettle when he steals the stone twice and risks his life for his companions. Still, the revelation of Gen's identity surprises the magus (and readers) even more than his deeds. From the believable characters to the well-realized setting, this fantasy offers a refreshing change of pace for readers who enjoy adventure stories with a touch of magic. Carolyn Phelan --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
A thief's quest for a priceless gemstone forms the background for a tale of redemption, tolerance, and cooperation in this first novel from Turner (Instead of Three Wishes, 1995, etc.). Gen the thief is released from prison in the imaginary medieval land of Sounis by the king's magus, on the condition that he join an expedition to recover the legendary Hamiathes's Gift Stone, said to be hidden in an elaborate maze underneath a river. For the chance at regaining his freedom, Gen agrees. The journey at first is fraught more with psychic than physical dangers: The magus and the other king's men on the trip--soldier Pol, aristocrats Sophos and Ambiades--insult Gen for his low birth and choice of profession, even denying him proper food and medical care. No adolescent will be able to ignore Gen's resentment, embarrassment, and pain, made palpable through Turner's compassion and crystalline prose. Similarly, Gen's narrative voice, at turns snide, sharp, then sad, will seem familiar to young adults. His ultimate discovery of the legendary stone and the clearing of his reputation are as grand as the fantastic myths the travelers tell on their fateful trip. This is an uplifting book, a literary journey that enriches both its characters and readers before it is over. (Fiction. 10+) -- Copyright ©1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
"An exceptional adventure story." -- KLIATT --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
"An exceptional adventure story." (KLIATT )
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