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Would you like to discover all of the many ways that you can finance real estate? Want to learn how to cut your financing costs, avoid pitfalls, and negotiate the best terms? Then let Gary Eldred's 106 Mortgage Secrets All Borrowers Must Learn—But Lenders Don't Tell, Second Edition guide you. Fully updated, this practical guide explains how today's changing mortgage market really works. Unlike other mortgage guides, this book goes beyond traditional bank-originated loans and shows you how to benefit with seller financing, assumables, subject-to, wraparounds, lease options, foreclosures, and other money-saving possibilities.
106 Mortgage Secrets also protects you from the sharp practices of loan reps that have recently sparked Congressional hearings and multiple state investigations. In addition, Eldred shows how and why the right financing decisions can add tens (and sometimes hundreds) of thousands of dollars to your long-term net worth. With these 106 secrets, you'll build the confidence and the knowledge to:
Increase your borrowing power
Obtain the lowest interest rate
Understand the true pros and cons of ARMs
Cut (or eliminate) the cost of mortgage insurance
Save big with seller financing, assumptions, foreclosures, and REOs
Strengthen your credit profile and credit score
Avoid getting taken... by the fine print and garbage fees
Steer clear of scams and unprincipled loan reps and lenders
Accumulate wealth through homeownership and investment properties
Simple, concise, and comprehensive, this book reveals everything property buyers need to know—especially the 106 financing secrets lenders too often omit.
Preface to the Second Edition
Introduction: Use OPM to Achieve All That
You Really Want
1 Affordability Depends on You--Not a Lender
SECRET #1Affordability depends on you.
SECRET #2How you choose your property and arrange
financing can add (or subtract) tens (or even
hundreds) of thousands of dollars to (from) your
net worth.
SECRET #3Separate the emotional from the financial.
SECRET #4 Align self-talk with your priorities.
SECRET #5Envision the propert(ies) you would like to
own 5, 1 O, or 15 years from now.
2 Increase Your Borrowing Power
SECRET #610,000 lenders set their own standards.
SECRET #7"You can make your qualifying ratios look better.
SECRET #8Lift your qualifying income.
SECRET #9Reduce your debt.
SECRET #10Use compensating factors to justify higher
qualifying ratios.
SECRET #1 1Never fib to a lender.
SECRET #12Can't qualify? Enlist a cosigner, co-borrower,
or co-owner.
SECRET #| 3Let tenants pay your mortgage.
SECRET #14Don't change your loan status.
Slash Your Cost of Interest
SECRET #15Many borrowers who want a fixed-rate loan
should choose 15 years, not 30 or 40.
SECRET #16Lower interest rates mean big savings.
SECRET #| 7'Lower rates magnify borrowing power.
SECRET #| 8ARMs sometimes offer greater borrowing power,
lower costs, with risk you can manage.
SECRET #19State and local housing finance agencies
offer lower-interest mortgage loans.
SECRET #20Assume a low-interest-rate mortgage.
SECRET #21"Assume" a nonassumable mortgage.
SECRET #22Save $1,000s with a Mortgage Credit
Certificate (MCC).
SECRET #23Seek employer assistance, or seek an employer
who gives assistance.
SECRET #24Obtain a lower interest rate; pay points.
SECRET #25Negotiate a buydown with the sellers.
SECRET #26New homebuilders offer mortgage incentives.
SECRET #27'How to borrow jumbo amounts without paying
jumbo rates.
SECRET #28Your after-tax cost of borrowing may not be as
low as you've been told.
4 The Risks and Rewards of ARMs
SECRET #29 ARMs do not necessarily present more risk than fixed-rate loans.
5 Perfect Your Credit Profile
6 The Lowdown on Low Downs
7 Win Big Saving s with Seller Financing Foreclosures or REOS
8 Beware of Those Fine Print Gotckas
9 Achieve the Lowest Lnterest Rate Availabl
10 Managee Your Property and Financing for Maximun Return
作者简介:Gary W. Eldred, PhD, has invested successfully in real estate for more than twenty years and has served on the graduate business faculty at Stanford University and the University of Virginia. He has authored many other real estate titles, including Make Money with Affordable Apartment Buildings and Commercial Properties, Second Edition; Trump University Real Estate 101; and Investing in Real Estate, Fifth Edition, all from Wiley.
The only guidebook that shows you how to finance any property--with or without bank approval Would you like to discover all of the many ways that you can finance real estate? Want to learn how to cut your financing costs, avoid pitfalls, and negotiate the best terms? Then let Gary Eldred's 106 Mortgage Secrets All Borrowers Must Learn--But Lenders Don't Tell, Second Edition guide you. Fully updated, this practical guide explains how today's changing mortgage market really works. Unlike other mortgage guides, this book goes beyond traditional bank-originated loans and shows you how to benefit with seller financing, assumables, subject-to, wraparounds, lease options, foreclosures, and other money-saving possibilities. 106 Mortgage Secrets also protects you from the sharp practices of loan reps that have recently sparked Congressional hearings and multiple state investigations. In addition, Eldred shows how and why the right financing decisions can add tens (and sometimes hundreds) of thousands of dollars to your long-term net worth. With these 106 secrets, you'll build the confidence and the knowledge to:
* Increase your borrowing power
* Obtain the lowest interest rate
* Understand the true pros and cons of ARMs
* Cut (or eliminate) the cost of mortgage insurance
* Save big with seller financing, assumptions, foreclosures, and REOs
* Strengthen your credit profile and credit score
* Avoid getting taken... by the fine print and garbage fees
* Steer clear of scams and unprincipled loan reps and lenders
* Accumulate wealth through homeownership and investment properties
Simple, concise, and comprehensive, this book reveals everything property buyers need to know--especially the 106 financing secrets lenders too often omit.
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